シラバス - 英語I(705)
- ナンバリングコードCode
- COR-lit1-103
- 科目名Subject Name
- 英語I(705)
- 担当者名Instructor
- 志水 俊広
- 単位Credit
- 1
- 履修年次Standard Year for Registration
- 1
- 学期Semester
- 前期
- クラスClass
- 曜限Day/Period
- 月曜2時限
- 教室Classroom
- 2-406
- 授業形態Course Type
- 実験・実習・実技
- メディア授業Distance Learning Course
- 備考Remarks
- 使用言語:その他または複数言語
- 実務経験のある教員等による授業科目Taught by instructor(s) with practical experience
- 学内単位互換科目としての受講可否Availability for inter-departmental credit transfer
- 可
授業の到達目標Objectives to be Attained
- DP観点 / Diploma Policy
Target Category - B(思考力・判断力・表現力等)
- 学びや研究の基盤となる思考力・判断力・表現力等を獲得し、幅広い領域に活用することができる。
Can understand some of the main points about familiar topics that one would normally encounter at work, school, entertainment, etc., if they are spoken in a standard way. Can generally deal with situations that are likely to occur when in the area where the language is spoken. Can produce reasonable, simple sentences on familiar topics and topics of personal interest.
授業の概要Course Overview
This course improves students' English reading and writing skills.
事前・事後学習、時間等Study Required outside Class(Preparation, etc.)
Students are required to read the textbook and finish the exercises and assignments before each class.
授業計画(各回の授業内容)Course Outline
- 1回目Session 1 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Introduction
- 2回目Session 2 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Unit 1 Marketing (1) Reading
- 3回目Session 3 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Unit 1 Marketing (2) Critical Thinking, Vocabulary
- 4回目Session 4 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Unit 1 Marketing (3) Writing, Grammar
- 5回目Session 5 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Unit 2 Psychology (1) Reading
- 6回目Session 6 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Unit 2 Psychology (2) Critical Thinking, Vocabulary
- 7回目Session 7 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Unit 2 Psychology (3) Writing, Grammar
- 8回目Session 8 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Review
- 9回目Session 9 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Unit 3 Social Psychology (1) Reading
- 10回目Session 10 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Unit 3 Social Psychology (2) Critical Thinking, Vocabulary
- 11回目Session 11 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Unit 3 Social Psychology (3) Writing, Grammar
- 12回目Session 12 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Unit 4 Technology (1) Reading
- 13回目Session 13 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Unit 4 Technology (2) Critical Thinking, Vocabulary
- 14回目Session 14 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Unit 4 Technology (3) Writing, Grammar
Skills for Success Reading and Writing 2A (Oxford University Press)
課題の種類・内容Homework, Assignments, etc.
Exercises and assignments written in the textbook
課題に対するフィードバックの方法Feedback Method
During the class and/or on the Moodle
成績評価の方法 / Evaluation Method
各回の課題の取組みおよび提出状況 40%
Final Test(定期試験) 60%
観点別評価の入力項目(ルーブリックとその使用方法) / Target to be Evaluated
- DP観点 / Diploma Policy
Target Category - B(思考力・判断力・表現力等)
- 成績評価の規準 / Evaluation Criteria
- Can understand some of the main points about familiar topics that one would normally encounter at work, school, entertainment, etc., if they are spoken in a standard way. Can generally deal with situations that are likely to occur when in the area where the language is spoken. Can produce reasonable, simple sentences on familiar topics and topics of personal interest.
- 評価尺度(水準)/ Evaluation Scale
- 卓越水準 / Outstanding
- Grammar
Can communicate confidently and accurately in familiar situations. Native language influence is not evident, and students have a high level of grammatical ability and can fully communicate what they want to say. Can use frequent expressions accurately.
Can completely understand sentences that are commonly used in daily life and work. Able to fully understand simple sentences written in high-frequency words.
Can completely comprehend information related to everyday life and work. Able to fully understand the main points and details of information on familiar topics such as work, school, leisure, etc., as long as the speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent. - 目標到達水準 / Excellent
- Grammar
Can communicate accurately in familiar situations. Although influenced by their native language, students have relatively high grammatical skills and are able to fully express what they want to say. Can use frequent expressions accurately.
Can understand most sentences that are commonly used in daily life and work. Able to understand short, simple sentences written in
high-frequency words.
Can comprehend short information in the areas of daily life and work. Able to understand the main points and details of short information familiar topics such as work, school, leisure, etc., as long as the speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent. - 目標途上水準 / Good
- Grammar
Can communicate relatively accurately in familiar situations. Although influenced by their native language, students have relatively high grammatical skills and are able to express what they want to say. Can use frequent expressions with accuracy.
Can understand some sentences that are commonly used in daily life and work. Able to understand short, simple sentences written in high-frequency words.
Can comprehend some information about everyday life and work-related topics. Able to understand the main points and details of short information on familiar topics such as work, school, and leisure time, as long as the speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent. - 目標下限水準 / Adequate
- Grammar
Can communicate to some degree in familiar situations. Although influenced by their native language, students have some grammatical skills and are able to express what they want to say. Can use frequent expressions with a small degree of accuracy.
Can understand basic sentences that are commonly used in daily life and work. Able to partly understand short, simple sentences written in high-frequency words.
Can comprehend basic information in everyday life and work. Able to understand to some extent the main points and details of short information on familiar topics such as work, school, leisure time, etc., as long as the speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent. - 近接水準 / Inadequate
- 該当なし
- 評価不能 / Unevaluable
- Has not reached the level of evaluation. No data to evaluate.
- 成績評価に関するその他の確認事項 / Other Information for Evaluation
- Students must take the TOEIC IP Test, this will be required during the middle of the semester and used in the class evaluation. Students who have not taken the test will be reduced one level.
「TOEIC IPテストのスコアを授業評価に反映する。評価方法については、入学時に
履修上の注意Other Course Information
Students must take the TOEIC IP Test. This will be required during the middle of the semester and used in the class evaluation. Students who have not taken the test will be reduced one level.
TOEIC IPテストのスコアを授業評価に反映する。評価方法については、入学時に配布されたプリントを参照すること。なお、非受験者は講義評価から1段階下がる点に留意。