シラバス - 英語I(301)

  • ナンバリングコードCode
  • 科目名Subject Name
  • 担当者名Instructor
  • 単位Credit
  • 履修年次Standard Year for Registration
  • 学期Semester
  • クラスClass
  • 曜限Day/Period
  • 教室Classroom
  • 授業形態Course Type
  • メディア授業Distance Learning Course
  • 備考Remarks
  • 実務経験のある教員等による授業科目Taught by instructor(s) with practical experience
  • 学内単位互換科目としての受講可否Availability for inter-departmental credit transfer

授業の到達目標Objectives to be Attained


DP観点 / Diploma Policy
Target Category
1. Students will be able to listen to and comprehend the natural speed and rhythm of native English. (Skill)
2 Students will practice speaking and conversation to improve their fluency and accuracy. (Skill)
3. Students will increase their vocabulary to understand contexts of usage (Knowledge and Understanding)
4. Students will understand social and cultural backgrounds that differ from Japan through learning English. (Knowledge, Attitude and Motivation)
5. Students will actively and positively engage in English learning to become autonomous learners. (Attitude and Motivation)

授業の概要Course Overview

Students will improve their four English skills in reading, listening, writing, and speaking. There will be regular listening exercises and a significant focus on vocabulary learning. Students must participate and actively and speak as much English as possible in each lesson. Class activities and periodic testing will evaluate students’ communication ability in English.

事前・事後学習、時間等Study Required outside Class(Preparation, etc.)

Students must complete homework each week. Homework will mainly be doing exercises in the textbook. (about 45 min.) Students should study each week for the unit quizzes. (about 30 min.) Also, before the final examination, students should review their homework and the contents of the textbook. (about 2 hours).

授業計画(各回の授業内容)Course Outline

  • 1回目Session 1 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):60分
    Introduction & Orientation; Unit 1 Relationships # a/b
  • 2回目Session 2 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):60分
    Unit 1 Relationships # c/d
  • 3回目Session 3 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):60分
    Unit 1 Relationships # e/f
  • 4回目Session 4 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):60分
    Unit 2 Storytelling # a/b; Quiz 1
  • 5回目Session 5 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):60分
    Unit 2 Storytelling # c/d
  • 6回目Session 6 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):60分
    Unit 2 Storytelling # e/f
  • 7回目Session 7 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):60分
    Unit 3 Science and Technology # a/b; Quiz 2
  • 8回目Session 8 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):60分
    Unit 3 Science and Technology # c/d
  • 9回目Session 9 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):60分
    Unit 3 Science and Technology # e/f
  • 10回目Session 10 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):60分
    Unit 4 Art and Creativity # a/b Quiz 3
  • 11回目Session 11 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):60分
    Unit 4 Art and Creativity # c/d
  • 12回目Session 12 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):60分
    Unit 4 Art and Creativity # e/f
  • 13回目Session 13 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):60分
    Unit 5 Development # a/b
  • 14回目Session 14 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):10分
    Final Quiz


[Title] Life 5A
[Author] Paul Dummett, John Hughes & Helen Stephenson
[Publisher] National Geographic Learning (2022)
[ISBN] 13:978-0-357-04798-9

* Dictionary: English-Japanese dictionary (e.g. ロングマン英和辞典, a book), or electronic
dictionary is okay

* Notebook: A4 or B5 size 100-200 page notebook for homework and new vocabulary etc.



課題の種類・内容Homework, Assignments, etc.

課題に対するフィードバックの方法Feedback Method

On campus every Monday, 10 am to 5 pm


成績評価の方法 / Evaluation Method

(Attendance 出席 0%) General Evaluation 平常点 100% = Classwork + Homework + Tests

Classwork: + Homework:   + Tests:
- Participation & Diligence 25% - Textbook exercises 25% - Unit Quizzes (three) 30%
- Review & Preparation – Final Test 20%

You are expected to participate actively in each lesson. To get a good Participation & Diligence score, you must obey class rules, cooperate, study hard, and show diligence. (You will lose points for any Demerits.) There will be three (3) Quizzes (in Weeks 4,7,10), and a Final Test in Week 14. Homework includes completing textbook exercises, previewing the next lesson, and preparing for quizzes and tests.

観点別評価の入力項目(ルーブリックとその使用方法) / Target to be Evaluated


DP観点 / Diploma Policy
Target Category
成績評価の規準 / Evaluation Criteria
1. Students were able to listen to and comprehend the natural speed and rhythm of native English. (Skill)
2. Students practiced speaking and conversation to improve their fluency and accuracy. (Skill)
3. Students increased their vocabulary to understand contexts of usage (Knowledge and Understanding)
4. Students understood the social and cultural backgrounds that differ from Japan through learning English. (Knowledge, Attitude and Motivation)
5. Students actively and positively engaged in English learning to become autonomous learners. (Attitude and Motivation)
評価尺度(水準)/ Evaluation Scale
卓越水準 / Outstanding
Largely exceeds the standard
目標到達水準 / Excellent
Exceeds the standard
目標途上水準 / Good
Meets the standard
目標下限水準 / Adequate
Meets the minimal standard for credit
近接水準 / Inadequate
評価不能 / Unevaluable
成績評価に関するその他の確認事項 / Other Information for Evaluation

履修上の注意Other Course Information

To pass this course, students must actively participate in class, cooperate, and complete homework. Students with many absences may fail because they cannot be evaluated in class.

Students must bring their textbook and a dictionary to each lesson.

Used textbooks are NOT allowed.

There is no end-of-term examination ( 定期試験はありません。). There will also be no re-examination ( 再試験はありません。).