シラバス - アドヴァンストイングリッシュB(5)
- ナンバリングコードCode
- FLS-ski2-206
- 科目名Subject Name
- アドヴァンストイングリッシュB(5)
- 担当者名Instructor
- C.R.チェイス
- 単位Credit
- 2
- 履修年次Standard Year for Registration
- 2-4
- 学期Semester
- 後期
- クラスClass
- 曜限Day/Period
- 木曜2時限
- 教室Classroom
- 2-511
- 授業形態Course Type
- 講義
- メディア授業Distance Learning Course
- 備考Remarks
- キャリアスピーキングA
- 実務経験のある教員等による授業科目Taught by instructor(s) with practical experience
- 学内単位互換科目としての受講可否Availability for inter-departmental credit transfer
- 不可
授業の到達目標Objectives to be Attained
- DP観点 / Diploma Policy
Target Category - A(知識・技能)
- To acquire the ability to listen, speak, read, and write in English, aiming at the class target proficiency level.
- DP観点 / Diploma Policy
Target Category - B(思考力・判断力・表現力等)
- To acquire the English ability needed to consider topics in the international media.
授業の概要Course Overview
The main goal of this course is for students to further develop their comprehensive English language skills to the advanced level needed to understand and respond to materials related to international issues and their representation in the English-language media. In class, students will read, listen to, watch, and talk about media content dealing with international topics and world events. Class activities will focus on attaining a deep understanding of issues in the news, and on acquiring the English expressions used to write about and discuss current international developments. As well as reading and listening activities, class work will make extensive and active use of writing and speaking tasks to promote overall English proficiency.
事前・事後学習、時間等Study Required outside Class(Preparation, etc.)
Two classes’ worth of independent study is required for each session. Students are required to do the following tasks for each session:
・Prior to each session, preview the vocabulary, topic, and content of the forthcoming session, as well as the language skills and tasks required (40% of the study time required outside of class).
・After each session, complete reading, listening, and viewing activities and prepare presentation and written assignments (60% of the study time required outside of class).
授業計画(各回の授業内容)Course Outline
- 1回目Session 1 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Course orientation
- 2回目Session 2 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Discussing local issues: reading and listening activities
- 3回目Session 3 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Discussing local issues: writing and speaking activities
- 4回目Session 4 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Discussing world issues: reading and listening activities
- 5回目Session 5 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Discussing world issues: writing and speaking activities
- 6回目Session 6 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Events in the news: reading and listening activities
- 7回目Session 7 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Events in the news: writing and speaking activities
- 8回目Session 8 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- The media: reading and listening activities
- 9回目Session 9 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- The media: writing and speaking activities
- 10回目Session 10 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Science and innovation: reading and listening activities
- 11回目Session 11 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Science and innovation: writing and speaking activities
- 12回目Session 12 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Finance and the economy: reading and listening activities
- 13回目Session 13 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Finance and the economy: writing and speaking activities
- 14回目Session 14 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Final presentations and written tasks
Texts will be indicated at the beginning of the course.
Reference works and supplementary materials will be introduced in class as appropriate.
課題の種類・内容Homework, Assignments, etc.
Review reading and topic-based research tasks will be set each week.
課題に対するフィードバックの方法Feedback Method
Instructors will observe and comment on students’ in-class activities and presentations and provide feedback on assignments using Moodle and other platforms.
成績評価の方法 / Evaluation Method
Evaluation will be carried out using the following methods:
Diploma Policy Target Category A: in-class and online reading, listening, and vocabulary quizzes; final examination or other final task
Diploma Policy Target Category B: written and spoken assignments and presentations; final examination or other final task
観点別評価の入力項目(ルーブリックとその使用方法) / Target to be Evaluated
- DP観点 / Diploma Policy
Target Category - A(知識・技能)
- 成績評価の規準 / Evaluation Criteria
- Acquisition of the ability to listen, speak, read, and write in English with the goal of achieving the class target proficiency level.
- 評価尺度(水準)/ Evaluation Scale
- 卓越水準 / Outstanding
- Ability to listen, speak, read, and write in English surpasses the target level.
- 目標到達水準 / Excellent
- Ability to listen, speak, read, and write in English reaches the target level.
- 目標途上水準 / Good
- Ability to listen, speak, read, and write in English is approaching the target level.
- 目標下限水準 / Adequate
- Ability to listen, speak, read, and write in English has progressed but remains insufficient to reach the target level.
- 近接水準 / Inadequate
- Little or no acquisition of the required English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
- 評価不能 / Unevaluable
- 評価に値する情報が不足。または上記の水準に値せず、能力として評価に不適
- DP観点 / Diploma Policy
Target Category - B(思考力・判断力・表現力等)
- 成績評価の規準 / Evaluation Criteria
- Acquisition of the English ability needed to consider topics in the international media and to express opinions in presentation and writing.
- 評価尺度(水準)/ Evaluation Scale
- 卓越水準 / Outstanding
- Outstanding acquisition of the English ability needed to consider topics in the international media and to express opinions in presentation and writing.
- 目標到達水準 / Excellent
- Satisfactory acquisition of the English ability needed to consider topics in the international media and to express opinions in presentation and writing.
- 目標途上水準 / Good
- Acquisition of the English ability to consider topics in the international media and to express opinions in presentation and writing is approaching a satisfactory level.
- 目標下限水準 / Adequate
- Acquisition of the English ability needed to consider topics in the international media and to express opinions in presentation and writing has progressed but remains insufficient.
- 近接水準 / Inadequate
- Little or no acquisition of the English ability needed to consider topics in the international media and to express opinions in presentation and writing.
- 評価不能 / Unevaluable
- 評価に値する情報が不足。または上記の水準に値せず、能力として評価に不適
- 成績評価に関するその他の確認事項 / Other Information for Evaluation