シラバス - Communication Studies A
- ナンバリングコードCode
- FLS-gcs2-241
- 科目名Subject Name
- Communication Studies A
- 担当者名Instructor
- 宮原 哲
- 単位Credit
- 4
- 履修年次Standard Year for Registration
- 2-4
- 学期Semester
- 前期
- クラスClass
- 曜限Day/Period
- 月曜4時限/水曜1時限
- 教室Classroom
- L-402/L-304
- 授業形態Course Type
- メディア授業Distance Learning Course
- 備考Remarks
- 異文化コミュニケーション論
- 実務経験のある教員等による授業科目Taught by instructor(s) with practical experience
- 学内単位互換科目としての受講可否Availability for inter-departmental credit transfer
- 可
授業の到達目標Objectives to be Attained
- DP観点 / Diploma Policy
Target Category - B(思考力・判断力・表現力等)
- To help the student acquire the practical language skills needed to consider facts and opinions on various genres and topics from diverse perspectives, particularly in the discipline of interpersonal communication and to engage in purposeful discussion, while developing logic and appropriate forms of expression. Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. acquire fundamental knowledge in interpersonal communication;
2. apply the knowledge to academic inquiries into interpersonal communication; and
3. develop skills to enhance the quality of interpersonal interactions.
- DP観点 / Diploma Policy
Target Category - C(総合的な学修経験・創造性)
- To cultivate and enhance the student's understanding of fundamental aspects and features of interpersonal communication. Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. develop understanding of what constitutes competent interpersonal communication;
2. obtain keen sense of observation of the social practices in daily life; and
3. practice the skills condusive to improving the quality of social life.
授業の概要Course Overview
We owe many of our social skills to our ability to use symbols (language and nonverbal) in all contexts, ranging from family, school, friendship, romantic relationship, to superior-subordinate relationship within an organization, and to doctor-patient communication within a medical context. Furthermore as the world becoming globalized, we need to be more aware of our interpersonal skills especially within culturally diverse contexts.
After successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. understand and acknowledge that human communication is symbolic activity;
2. observe, interpret, and analyze the student's own interpersonal communication; and
3. acquire and improve interpersonal communication skills across a variety of situations.One half of the class time will be spent on lectures about important communication concepts, theories, and research, and the other half of the class for student discussions. Applying what is covered in class to the student's actual daily social interactions is an important key element. The student is, therefore, encouraged to be mindful of the linkage between class material and the personal social practices.
事前・事後学習、時間等Study Required outside Class(Preparation, etc.)
The student is required to read all the assigned materials before class, and review the class material and apply it to personal social interactions afterwards. Each student will spend at least 90 minutes outside of class on studying for each class period.
授業計画(各回の授業内容)Course Outline
- 1回目Session 1 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Class orientation: Introduction and discussion of the syllabus
- 2回目Session 2 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Fundamentals of human communication
- 3回目Session 3 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Contexts of interpersonal communication
- 4回目Session 4 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Overview of interpersonal communication
- 5回目Session 5 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Communication and personal identity
- 6回目Session 6 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Self as created, influenced, modified in interpersonal relationships
- 7回目Session 7 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Perception and communication
- 8回目Session 8 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Perception and communication (cont'd)
- 9回目Session 9 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Verbal interpersonal communication
- 10回目Session 10 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Verbal interpersonal communication (cont'd)
- 11回目Session 11 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Language as a guide to social reality
- 12回目Session 12 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Nonverbal interpersonal communication
- 13回目Session 13 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Nonverbal interpersonal communication (cont'd)
- 14回目Session 14 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Listening
- 15回目Session 15 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Listening (cont'd)
- 16回目Session 16 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Foundations of personal relationships
- 17回目Session 17 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Foundations of personal relationships (cont'd)
- 18回目Session 18 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Persuasion
- 19回目Session 19 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Persuasion (cont'd)
- 20回目Session 20 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Interpersonal conflict
- 21回目Session 21 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Interpersonal conflict (cont'd)
- 22回目Session 22 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Interpersonal communication in specific contexts: Family
- 23回目Session 23 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Interpersonal communication in specific contexts: Education
- 24回目Session 24 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Interpersonal communication in specific contexts: Friendship
- 25回目Session 25 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Interpersonal communication in specific contexts: Romantic relationship
- 26回目Session 26 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Interpersonal communication in specific contexts: Organization
- 27回目Session 27 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Interpersonal communication in specific contexts: Intercultural encounter
- 28回目Session 28 対面授業 (Face-to-Face) 事前・事後学習 Study required outside class(Preparation/review):200分
- Interpersonal communication in specific contexts: Social media
Wood, J. T. (2016). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. (E-book available at the Seinan
The instructor will assign various materials including films, documentaries, magazine and newspaper articles.
課題の種類・内容Homework, Assignments, etc.
Each student will be required to complete all assignments including personal observation and application reports, participate in class activities (e.g. group discussions, role-play exercises).
課題に対するフィードバックの方法Feedback Method
成績評価の方法 / Evaluation Method
Quizzes ・・・・・・・・・・・20%
Mid-term and Final Exams・・・40%
Individual Reports・・・・・・20%
Group Presentations ・・・・・20%
観点別評価の入力項目(ルーブリックとその使用方法) / Target to be Evaluated
- DP観点 / Diploma Policy
Target Category - B(思考力・判断力・表現力等)
- 成績評価の規準 / Evaluation Criteria
- The student has acquired the practical language skills needed to consider facts and opinions on various genres and topics from diverse perspectives, particularly in the discipline of interpersonal communication and to engage in purposeful discussion, while developing logic and appropriate forms of expression. The student should be able to:
1. acquire fundamental knowledge in interpersonal communication;
2. apply the knowledge to academic inquiries into interpersonal communication; and
3. develop skills to enhance the quality of interpersonal interactions.
- 評価尺度(水準)/ Evaluation Scale
- 卓越水準 / Outstanding
- (i) Outstanding ability to consider facts and opinions in differing genres and on differing topics from a variety of perspectives in the discipline of interpersonal communication.
(ii) Outstanding ability to develop logic, devise methods of expression, and engage in appropriate and purposeful discussion.
(iii) Outstanding ability to communicate personal ideas and opinions through presentations and reports. - 目標到達水準 / Excellent
- (i) Satisfactory ability to consider facts and opinions in differing genres and on differing topics from a variety of perspectives in the discipline of interpersonal communication.
(ii) Satisfactory ability to develop logic, devise methods of expression, and engage in appropriate and purposeful discussion.
(iii) Satisfactory ability to communicate personal ideas and opinions through presentations and reports. - 目標途上水準 / Good
- (i) Some ability to consider facts and opinions in differing genres and on differing topics from a variety of perspectives in the discipline of interpersonal communication.
(ii) Some ability to develop logic, devise methods of expression, and engage in appropriate and purposeful discussion.
(iii) Some ability to communicate personal ideas and opinions through presentations and reports. - 目標下限水準 / Adequate
- (i) Developing but insufficient ability to consider facts and opinions in differing genres and on differing topics from a variety of perspectives in the discipline of interpersonal communication.
(ii) Developinb but insufficient ability to develop logic, devise methods of expression, and engage in appropriate and purposeful discussion.
(iii) Developing but insufficient ability to communicate personal ideas and opinions through presentations and reports. - 近接水準 / Inadequate
- (i) Little or no ability to consider facts and opinions in differing genres and on differing topics from a variety of perspectives in the discipline of interpersonal communication.
(ii) Little or no ability to develop logic, devise methods of expression, and engage in appropriate and purposeful discussion.
(iii) Little or no ability to communicate personal ideas and opinions through presentations and reports. - 評価不能 / Unevaluable
- 評価に値する情報が不足。または上記の水準に値せず、能力として評価に不適
- DP観点 / Diploma Policy
Target Category - C(総合的な学修経験・創造性)
- 成績評価の規準 / Evaluation Criteria
- The student has acquired understanding of fundamental aspects and features of interpersonal communication. The student should be able to:
1. develop understanding of what constitutes competent interpersonal communication;
2. obtain keen sense of observation of the social practices in daily life; and
3. practice the skills condusive to improving the quality of social life.
- 評価尺度(水準)/ Evaluation Scale
- 卓越水準 / Outstanding
- (i) Outstanding understanding of the basic research and analytical methods necessary for research activities in the field of interpersonal communication.
(ii) Outstanding ability to use these research methods in practice to formulate and solve problems independently.
(iii) Outstanding ability to write academic essays on the content of research and analysis conducted independently. - 目標到達水準 / Excellent
- (i) Satisfactory understanding of the basic research and analytical methods necessary for research activities in the field of interpersonal communication.
(ii) Satisfactory ability to use these research methods in practice to formulate and solve problems independently.
(iii) Satisfactory ability to write academic essays on the content of research and analysis conducted independently. - 目標途上水準 / Good
- (i) Some understanding of the basic research and analytical methods necessary for research activities in the field of interpersonal communication.
(ii) Some ability to use these research methods in practice to formulate and solve problems independently.
(iii) Some ability to write academic essays on the content of research and analysis conducted independently. - 目標下限水準 / Adequate
- (i) Developing but insufficient understanding of the basic research and analytical methods necessary for research activities in the field of interpersonal communication.
(ii) Developing but insufficient ability to use these research methods in practice to formulate and solve problems independently.
(iii) Developing but insufficient ability to write academic essays on the content of research and analysis conducted independently. - 近接水準 / Inadequate
- (i) Little or no understanding of the basic research and analytical methods necessary for research activities in the field of interpersonal communication.
(ii) Little or no ability to use these research methods in practice to formulate and solve problems independently.
(iii) Little or no ability to write academic essays on the content of research and analysis conducted independently. - 評価不能 / Unevaluable
- 評価に値する情報が不足。または上記の水準に値せず、能力として評価に不適
- 成績評価に関するその他の確認事項 / Other Information for Evaluation
履修上の注意Other Course Information