シラバス - 英語(B01)

  • ナンバリングコードCode
  • 科目名Subject Name
  • 担当者名Instructor
    馮 書穎
  • 単位Credit
  • 履修年次Standard Year for Registration
  • 学期Semester
  • クラスClass
  • 曜限Day/Period
  • 教室Classroom
  • 備考Remarks
  • 実務経験のある教員等による授業科目Taught by instructor(s) with practical experience

授業の到達目標Objectives to be Attained

(1) Students’ motivation and enthusiasm to study and read and speak in English should improve.
(2) Students should be able to handle communicative situations in English more confidently and effectively.
(3) Students’ knowledge of the English language and grammar and fantasy stories written in English should be deepened.
(4) Students should be able to use their knowledge and skills to analyze English writing with practice.

授業の概要Method of Instruction

In this class, we will build our English reading, listening, and speaking skills and develop our critical thinking through active reading, writing, and in-class discussions. We will read a fantasy story called Spellbound. We will also cover some essential English grammar and vocabulary to help us better understand the story we are reading and express ourselves more clearly in English. We will do everything in English in this class.

事前・事後学習、時間等Study Required outside Class(Preparation, etc.)

Students must do their homework after class, which mainly focuses on reviewing the previous lesson and preparing for next week’s session. (6割)
Students must complete and submit on time their assignment when there is one. (4割)

授業計画(各回の授業内容)Course Outline

  • 1回目Session 1
    Course overview and introduction
  • 2回目Session 2
    Chapter 1: Kingskeep
  • 3回目Session 3
    Chapter 2: Whispering Woods
  • 4回目Session 4
    Chapter 3: Grimfast Bridge
  • 5回目Session 5
    Chapter 4: Port Venture
  • 6回目Session 6
    Chapter 5: Serati
  • 7回目Session 7
    Chapter 6: Oxla
  • 8回目Session 8
    Chapter 7: The Wild Sea
  • 9回目Session 9
    Chapter 8: The Black Shores
  • 10回目Session 10
    Chapter 9: The Land of the Giants
  • 11回目Session 11
    Chapter 10: The Black Desert
  • 12回目Session 12
    Chapter 11: Goblin Forest
  • 13回目Session 13
    Chapter 12: Dominik’s Lair
  • 14回目Session 14
    Recap and Review


[Title] Fiction in Action: Spellbound
[Author] Adam Gray
[Publisher] ABAX ELT Publishing
[ISBN] 978-1-78547-090-5



課題の種類・内容Homework, Assignments, etc.

Our homework includes a) reading a chapter and completing the practice questions every week between our sessions, b) answering some questions about the story we are reading for your assignments, and c) preparing to give some presentations in class about the story we are reading at some point.

課題に対するフィードバックの方法Feedback Method

成績評価の方法・基準Evaluation Criteria/Method

30% Pop Quizzes
10% Presentation(s)
30% Assignments
30% Final Examination
You may lose a point if you are late to class.
You may fail the class if you are frequently absent, because the teacher cannot evaluate your homework, quiz, or your efforts in class.
* TOEIC IP テストのスコアを授業評価に反映する。評価方法は、初回授業時に配付する表に記載のとおりとし、非受験者は講義評価から1段階下がる。

履修上の注意Other Course Information

To pass this class, you should always do your homework, prepare for your next lesson, arrive to class on time, stay awake and focused and be ready to participate in all classroom activities. We are doing a lot of English reading in and out of the class, so you should prepare a dictionary to help you understand the text better.