シラバス - 英語(406)

  • ナンバリングコードCode
  • 科目名Subject Name
  • 担当者名Instructor
    谷口 雅基
  • 単位Credit
  • 履修年次Standard Year for Registration
  • 学期Semester
  • クラスClass
  • 曜限Day/Period
  • 教室Classroom
  • 備考Remarks
  • 実務経験のある教員等による授業科目Taught by instructor(s) with practical experience

授業の到達目標Objectives to be Attained

This course focuses on developing communication skills in English through carefully guided activities emphasizing the skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Using authentic and relevant contents, including video, charts, and other informative graphics, students will be encouraged to work effectively and confidently on improving their foreign language communication skills. The main goal of the course is to enable students to advance to higher levels of communicative competence.

授業の概要Method of Instruction

Explicit instruction in and practice of listening and speaking skills, including pronunciation, will develop language proficiency. Activities to build academic skills, such as critical thinking and discussion, are integrated with each unit. Clear student writing models will train students to become stronger and more confident writers.

事前・事後学習、時間等Study Required outside Class(Preparation, etc.)

Study outside class consists of regular review of each unit, and preview of the subsequent unit. Optionally, use the free, downloadable contents from the publisher is an important component of this review and preview.

授業計画(各回の授業内容)Course Outline

  • 1回目Session 1
    Introduction class and Textbook introduction
  • 2回目Session 2
    Unit 1 Culture and Identity - a + b
  • 3回目Session 3
    Unit 1 Culture and Identity - c + d + video
  • 4回目Session 4
    Unit 2 Performing - a + b
  • 5回目Session 5
    Unit 2 Performing - c + d + video
  • 6回目Session 6
    Unit 3 Water - a + b
  • 7回目Session 7
    Unit 3 Water - c + d + video
  • 8回目Session 8
    Review Test
  • 9回目Session 9
    Unit 4 Opportunities - a + b
  • 10回目Session 10
    Unit 4 Opportunities - c + d + video
  • 11回目Session 11
    Unit 5 Well-being - a + b
  • 12回目Session 12
    Unit 5 Well-being - c + d + video
  • 13回目Session 13
    Unit 6 Mysteries - a + b
  • 14回目Session 14
    Unit 6 Mysteries - c + d + video
  • 15回目Session 15
    Final Test


Life 4A (Cengage)



課題の種類・内容Homework, Assignments, etc.

Homework consists of regular review activities. Students should access Online Workbooks which include automatically graded activities and video clips for students to practice the skills taught in the Student Books.

課題に対するフィードバックの方法Feedback Method

The instructor will observe students’ class discussions. Feedback also includes checks and brief comments on students’ engagement in oral or paper-based activities.

成績評価の方法・基準Evaluation Criteria/Method

Evaluation will include assessment of in-class discussions and presentations (25 percent), in-class quiz answering (25 percent), assignments (25 percent), and tests (25 percent).

履修上の注意Other Course Information

Please bring the textbooks to the first session. Please be sure to bring unused textbooks; used materials and photocopies of the textbook content are not acceptable.