シラバス - 英語(402)

  • ナンバリングコードCode
  • 科目名Subject Name
  • 担当者名Instructor
  • 単位Credit
  • 履修年次Standard Year for Registration
  • 学期Semester
  • クラスClass
  • 曜限Day/Period
  • 教室Classroom
  • 備考Remarks
  • 実務経験のある教員等による授業科目Taught by instructor(s) with practical experience

授業の到達目標Objectives to be Attained

In this class students will practice using English in reading, writing, listening and speaking. The class will be conducted entirely in English. Students will increase their ability to understand and produce English on the covered topics of people and places, science and technology, history, animals and the environment. Students will engage in activities to increase their creativity and critical thinking skills.

授業の概要Method of Instruction

Using the textbook, Life (National Geographic), students will learn vocabulary for each of the chapters. They will watch videos and listen to interviews and conversations on the topic of each chapter as well as read articles. This will help them understand the topic enough to begin speaking about it and expressing their own opinions. Listening and readings in class will be done with an eye toward leading to productive pair, group, or whole-class discussions of topics. Students will also increase their vocabulary by using the Anki app during the semester, and they will encounter this vocabulary frequently in the text.

事前・事後学習、時間等Study Required outside Class(Preparation, etc.)

Students will be given lists of words to study before each unit.

授業計画(各回の授業内容)Course Outline

  • 1回目Session 1
    Introductions; Journal writing; Anki & vocabulary assignments; Recorded spoken introduction; Circle game; Textbook: 1d. What's up? (p. 16)
  • 2回目Session 2
    Unit 1 Relationships: 1a. Unlikely friends; 1b. The selfie generation
  • 3回目Session 3
    Unit 1 Relationships: 1c. Bloodlines; 1f. Lady Liberty video; Unit 1 review; Creativity activity
  • 4回目Session 4
    Unit 2 Storytelling: 2a. A key moment; 2b. Visual storytelling
  • 5回目Session 5
    Unit 2 Storytelling: 2c. Once upon a time; 2d. What a nightmare; 2e. A real life drama
  • 6回目Session 6
    Unit 2 Storytelling: 2f. How not to climb a mountain, Unit 2 review; Unit 3 Science & Technology: 3a. Is technology the answer?
  • 7回目Session 7
    Unit 3 Science & Technology: 3b. Just press 'print'; 3c. Appropriate technology; Creativity activity
  • 8回目Session 8
    Unit 3 Science & Technology: 3d. I can't get the TV to work; 3e. Technical help; 3f. 3D-printed prosthetic limbs
  • 9回目Session 9
    Unit 3 Science & Technology: Unit 3 review; Unit 4 Art & Creativity: 4a. Reverse grafitti; Creativity activity
  • 10回目Session 10
    Unit 4 Art & Creativity: 4c. Why do we need music?; 4d. Personal tastes; 4e. You have to see this
  • 11回目Session 11
    Unit 4 Art & Creativity: 4f. Making plants into art; Unit 4 review; Creativity activity
  • 12回目Session 12
    Unit 5: Development: 5a. From reality to fantasy; 5b. The Kerala model
  • 13回目Session 13
    Unit 5: Development: 5c. The teenage mind; 5d. A controversial issue; 5e. Big cities, big problems
  • 14回目Session 14
    . Unit 5: Development: 5f. Scandinavian mega-bridge; Unit 5 review; Unit 6: Alternative travel: 6a. Staycations
  • 15回目Session 15
    Unit 6: Alternative travel: 6b. Voluntourism; 6d. Couch surfing; 6e. A disappointed guest; 6f. The unexpected beauty of traveling solo


Dummet, Paul, Hughes, John & Stephenson, Helen. Life 5A (second edition). National Geographic Learning (Cengage).
ISBN: 978-0-357-04798-9



課題の種類・内容Homework, Assignments, etc.

Students will take turns creating Anki lists of the words used in each chapter that will be available for the entire class to use. Students should use the Anki vocabulary app to learn the words. Students will also complete short writings every week for homework.

課題に対するフィードバックの方法Feedback Method

成績評価の方法・基準Evaluation Criteria/Method

Final vocabulary test: 25%
Vocabulary study (4x per week): 25%
Writing fluency improvement: 20%
Final exam (listening and speaking): 30%

履修上の注意Other Course Information

Besides the textbook, be prepared to purchase the Anki app if you have a smartphone. It costs 2500 yen.