シラバス - ライティングスキルIIA(221)

  • ナンバリングコードCode
  • 科目名Subject Name
  • 担当者名Instructor
  • 単位Credit
  • 履修年次Standard Year for Registration
  • 学期Semester
  • クラスClass
  • 曜限Day/Period
  • 教室Classroom
  • 備考Remarks
  • 実務経験のある教員等による授業科目Taught by instructor(s) with practical experience

授業の到達目標Objectives to be Attained

The aim of the course is to build on the English writing skills acquired by students in their previous studies, and to improve their skills by introducing them to more advanced writing strategies. The main focus will be on ensuring that students can produce well-connected paragraphs, with effective use of transition strategies, in order to begin composing essays effectively. Thus, this course attempts to develop students' fluency, accuracy, complexity, and appropriateness in producing short compositions in English. To achieve this aim, students are expected to undertake practice in order to acquire essential skills in English essay writing, up to at least intermediate ability.

授業の概要Method of Instruction

Students will practice writing on various topics of interest to them, both personal and general, selecting their topics from a set of options. Interaction between students through the medium of writing will be facilitated. The class will be highly interactive, with students working in groups of 2, 3 or 4 members each week. Peer editing will be an integral feature of the course. Students' independence as writers will be progressively encouraged. During the 15-week semester, students will work on 4 aims: fluency, accuracy, complexity, and appropriateness, and feedback will seek to help students towards these goals. Students will write shorter texts in the class, and longer ones as homework. Classroom time will be primarily used to focus on the first two aims (fluency and accuracy) with students receiving immediate feedback. The other two aims (complexity and appropriateness) will be developed through homework assignments, with feedback being provided in the following class. All instructions, activities, and discussions will be in English.

The weekly topic headings (see below) should be understood as flexible, not fixed.

事前・事後学習、時間等Study Required outside Class(Preparation, etc.)

Students should read English essays and articles of interest to them, and take notes on useful structures and expressions that they can later adopt in their own writing. They should regularly review each week's lessons and aim to keep using them in the paragraphs and essays that they are required to write during the course. In the final class, they will receive clear advice as to what they should study in order to prepare for the examination.

授業計画(各回の授業内容)Course Outline

  • 1回目Session 1
    Introduction to the teacher and to the aims of the course
  • 2回目Session 2
    Review of the principal purposes of writing and of key steps in the writing process
  • 3回目Session 3
    Brainstorming and note-taking skills; data-collection exercises
  • 4回目Session 4
    Practice in free writing: "Interesting Facts about Myself"
  • 5回目Session 5
    Collective correction of common errors
  • 6回目Session 6
    How to write connected paragraphs: guidelines and practical exercises
  • 7回目Session 7
    Model essay and analysis of essay structure
  • 8回目Session 8
    Writing an essay outline; five-paragraph essay preparation
  • 9回目Session 9
    Peer editing: procedure and application
  • 10回目Session 10
    Advice on avoiding bad habits in writing English, with practice exercises
  • 11回目Session 11
    Guidelines on paragraph transition strategies and rhetorical vocabulary
  • 12回目Session 12
    Practice in correct use of sentence adverbs and conjunctions
  • 13回目Session 13
    Common grammar errors and misspellings, with practice exercises
  • 14回目Session 14
    Self-editing checklist; final draft of essay
  • 15回目Session 15
    Review of course contents; orientation for term exam (to be held separately from Session 15)


The teacher's own original printed materials, including writing guidelines and practice exercises, will be provided by the teacher free of charge throughout the course. However, it is vitally important for every student to bring a good electronic dictionary to every class.


A useful book for background reference and vocabulary development is Writing Skills by Louis Rogers (Delta Publishing 2011; ISBN 978-1-905085-58-3).

課題の種類・内容Homework, Assignments, etc.

Most exercises will be completed and checked collectively in class, but written assignments will also occasionally be set for homework.

課題に対するフィードバックの方法Feedback Method

The teacher will give students numerous opportunities to seek advice during class time, and will periodically check written classwork and homework. Students will be required to write revised drafts of essays checked by the teacher, and resubmit them for final evaluation.

成績評価の方法・基準Evaluation Criteria/Method

Grades will be decided by a carefully measured assessment of attitude and effort (20%), coursework (30%), and performance in the final examination (50%). Regardless of grading, students are required not only to attend classes regularly and punctually, but also to participate alertly and actively.

履修上の注意Other Course Information